Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

This severe type of neuropathic pain occurs usually in the upper or lower extremities. It can occur spontaneously, or it may directly or indirectly relate to a prior injury to the limb.  It is a severe form of chronic pain which is characterized by sensitivity and pain to even light touch. There can be other signs such as swelling, skin color changes, coldness to touch, excessive, sweating, hair growth changes, and weakness.

Complex regional pain syndrome, as opposed to other forms of chronic pain is almost always diagnosed clinically. There is no perfect diagnostic test.  Dr.Rousseau has been treated patients with CRPS for over 15 years and is very skilled at distinguishing the clinical signs and symptoms.

After establishing a diagnosis, he offers sympathetic nerve blocks as a diagnostic and therapeutic method of treating CRPS.  Spinal cord stimulation is also offered along with medication management. He also works with colleagues in physical and psychological therapy in managing this painful condition.