Low Back Pain

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Low Back Pain


Low Back Pain


Low back pain affects 8 out of 10 Americans at some point in their lifetime and is one of the most common reasons a person goes to see a doctor.
Some risk factors include age, smoking, obesity, pregnancy, genetics, occupation, poor posture, mental health,

Dr. Rousseau is very experienced at evaluating, diagnosing, and treating many different types of low back pain through a thorough history and physical exam along with diagnostic imaging and testing. He offers minimally invasive treatments that are safe and effective and tailored to meet your needs.
Some of the possible treatments offered include injection therapy, education and prevention of further symptoms, and medication management.

Some common causes of low back pain include:

Lumbar sprain or strain – Overstretching of the muscles and/or ligaments that support the spinal column

Lumbar herniated disc disease – Leakage of the soft jelly material inside the core of the disc, which can than irritate a nearby nerve root and cause pain in the lower back and legs.

Degenerative disc disease – Deterioration and loss of height of the disc due to loss of hydration and tears in the disc.

Compression fracture – A crack in the vertebral body which leads to a deformity in the bone.

Facet joint disease – Arthritis and inflammation which develops in the tiny joints in the spine which are responsible for mobility.

Sacroiliac joint disease – inflammation or arthritis which develops at the junction of the sacrum and the pelvic which can lead to severe pain in the lower back and buttocks and hips and groin.

Spinal stenosis – Narrowing of the spinal canal, usually from arthritis, which results in compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord.

Spondylolisthesis – “a slipped disc”. Movement of 1 vertebra which slips over the adjacent one.

Vertebrogenic Pain-  A type of chronic pain that is caused by damage to the vertebral endplates, which is the interface between the disc and the vertebral body.

Miscellaneous Causes – Other less common conditions such as infection or tumor or deformity can also be responsible for low back pain and are, also, considered in the medical evaluation.