Sciatica Pain

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Sciatica Pain

Sciatica Pain

The symptoms of sciatica are commonly felt along in the lower back radiating through the buttocks and down the side or back of the leg to the ankle or foot. In addition to pain and burning sensations, numbness or weakness may be present.

Dr. Rousseau has treated thousands of patients with sciatica in his career and offers a variety of different treatment options such as epidural steroid injections, nerve root blocks, spinal cord stimulation, and pain medications. He also collaborates with physical therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and spine surgeons on the optimal way to manage this condition.

Common causes of sciatica include:

Lumbar sprain or strain – Overstretching of the muscles and/or ligaments that support the spinal column

Lumbar herniated disc. leakage of the soft jelly material inside the core of the disc, which can than irritate a nearby nerve root and cause pain in the lower back and legs.advertisement

Degeneration deterioration and loss of height of the disc due to loss of hydration and tears in the disc.

Lumbar spinal stenosis. narrowing of the spinal canal, usually from arthritis, which results in compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord.

Spondylolisthesis. ‘a slipped disc’. Movement of 1 vertebra which slips over the adjacent one.

Rarely, sciatica may develop due to tumors, infection, formation of scar tissue, collection of fluid, or fracture in the lumbar spine.